Til then our written love will have to do

 Aloha, this is the beginning of my blog dedicated to the journey of publishing my book. Title above. Yes, it’s a long one, but it was taken from one of the letters that my dad wrote to my mom, which is what this book contains! Love letters written during World War 11.


  1. Thanks for your help David. Me too!

  2. A huge blessing of working on this book has been to spend time in the hearts and minds of my parents in the way most children never get to. My friends say that I am leaving a legacy to them, but I’m feeling much more the deeper legacy they have left to me!💕

  3. I look forward to reading your book. When my Father died, someone asked me if I would miss talking to him as he was very gregarious. I replied, "Not really, he will be in my head until the day I die." So I expect to learn many things form your book and the way you wrote.

    1. Dear Unknown,
      I’m not very good at this blogging and wrote you a long reply which I’m not sure you ever got so I’ll try again. Thank you so much for your interest in my book as we share the same love for our dads. I only added chapter notes to my dad‘s letters Which are the whole book. I only found them after he died and decided to compile and share them. It’s been a long journey so far that I have loved doing it and it seems like I’m almost at the end!

  4. What a GREAT author blog, Cheri! I'm going to follow you through your ordeal and look forward to reading your book!

  5. I am a bit distracted today as I spotted a centipede in my living room yesterday. I count on my cat to stalk them pointing in the direction I need to go to grab them with my long tongs. We’ve been successful so far as I have now killed 108. Can’t believe this one has gotten away from me so I must be very weary!

  6. It's January and way past time to get back to this blog!

  7. I've been in the delightful flurry of my book suddenly ready to be printed and actually, after almost two years of hard work, ready to be published! Hurray!! How exciting to see my dad's picture, his welcoming smile on the cover, and MY name. Thrilling! I must say that my publisher did a terrific job on the cover and the video of my book he made. I am very pleased. But, there's more! So many connections made with old family friends and friends from all the past parts of my life. Did I say "Thrilling"? Yes it has been, which is why I've been away from this blog.~ I'll end for today saying a huge Mahalo to all my editing team at Savant Publishing.~


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